Do Hashtags Matter on TikTok? - itsyshoot


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Hey guys, Today I'm going to talk about TikTok, hashtags on Tik Tok, and are they important?  TikTok is this new platform I know that a lot of you guys are on it, it's scaling really quickly and it could help your business out in the long run so get on it. Once you are on it and creating content, try to create content as organic as possible, and right away you're going to see the hashtags that are used on a regular basis. For example #ForYou #ForU #FU There's a variety that has been used and has billions and billions of views that people use on a lot of content. I like to think of those hashtags as important for some of the regular content that you put out, but if you are hitting a trend or hitting a niche I don't believe you have to use the #ForYou. If you look at a lot of the best content that's out there, they don't have #ForYou on it.

 I don't know if it has a huge benefit because remember hashtags are designed originally to categorize your content. Even on TikTok, you use that to your benefit. Categorize your content based on the hashtags. 

You don't have to have #ForYou every single time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it once in a while. Just keep creating and correcting and see if that gets you a little more organic traction. 

There's always trending hashtags every single day so when you head to the trending page you are going to see which hashtags are trending you are going to see what's going to make a difference for your content that day and I like to try to say try to watch the feed and get ahead of those trends. 

So watch your feed, see what the popular creators are making the day before, you're going to be able to see which hashtags are going to trend in a couple days or the next day if you watch the feed and use them, make content related to them. Use hashtags so that your content is sorted appropriately and it's going to help your content go out further and faster.

Do Hashtags Matter on TikTok?

Hey guys, Today I'm going to talk about TikTok, hashtags on Tik Tok, and are they important?  TikTok is this new platform I know that a lot of you guys are on it, it's scaling really quickly and it could help your business out in the long run so get on it. Once you are on it and creating content, try to create content as organic as possible, and right away you're going to see the hashtags that are used on a regular basis. For example #ForYou #ForU #FU There's a variety that has been used and has billions and billions of views that people use on a lot of content. I like to think of those hashtags as important for some of the regular content that you put out, but if you are hitting a trend or hitting a niche I don't believe you have to use the #ForYou. If you look at a lot of the best content that's out there, they don't have #ForYou on it.

 I don't know if it has a huge benefit because remember hashtags are designed originally to categorize your content. Even on TikTok, you use that to your benefit. Categorize your content based on the hashtags. 

You don't have to have #ForYou every single time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it once in a while. Just keep creating and correcting and see if that gets you a little more organic traction. 

There's always trending hashtags every single day so when you head to the trending page you are going to see which hashtags are trending you are going to see what's going to make a difference for your content that day and I like to try to say try to watch the feed and get ahead of those trends. 

So watch your feed, see what the popular creators are making the day before, you're going to be able to see which hashtags are going to trend in a couple days or the next day if you watch the feed and use them, make content related to them. Use hashtags so that your content is sorted appropriately and it's going to help your content go out further and faster.

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